Lindsey Caroline Vonn , nasceu Lindsey Caroline Kildow a 18 de Outubro de 1984 em St.Paul , Minnesota , USA.
Linsey Vonn is one of the 6 women to ever become World Champion in all Alpine Ski disciplines .
Her beauty and athletic sexy body made her even mose famous.
This combination of talent and sexual appeal, made the media name the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010 as The Vonn-Games.
However Lindsey only scored 2 medals.Gold on Downhill and Bronze in Super G.
Latelly an accident on training,her personal romancesincluding a relation with golf player Tiger Woods, and mediatic exposure took their toll on her preparation for the 2014 Sochi Olympics,but she is still one of the top favourites,specially in Donwhill.
Lindsey Vonn ,2010 Best Sprtswomam of the year,with the Laureus award,was and still is the most mediatic athlest in Winter Sports and one of the hottest women of the world.